...ive always tried very hard to keep u afloat... give u hope and assurance that everything will be fine.... and everything will fall in place as planned... but guess ive reached a point of saturation where i cant give myself more time let alone asking time from u... have reached a point of desperation where i feel enuf is enuf and need to take a firm stand even if it means ruining relationships and respect... so ive had enuf... things gonna start happening soon... cant hold on any longer... need to move on... mmmwwaaaahhhh.....
1 comment:
.... sweetheart this irritation n annoyance can be clearly seen in u (atleast i cn see it).... as i said earlier i cud feel the difference in u.. tired mentally & physically... i really have no comments on the time tat u have kept me waiting, i blindly waited coz i knew we cudnt live without each other & how badly we wanted to be together... had to sacrifice our happiness unlike other couples for the sake of keepin family happy... sorry sweetheart (dnt feel bad) but ive reached a point where u make plans fr good & i know that they arent gonna be futile... its only words to mk me happy for tat moment & u feel happy too... watever happens we are going to get our relationship rocking with or without family.... watever step u take im with u... dnt think unncessary wordly things which wont even occur... babu! shana is always gonna be there next u... mmwwaahhh
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