...these days m really missing mumbai... need to visit all the places we frequented... pizzeria, mocha, micheals, chopstick, celebrity, all the theatres we used to go to... missing it all... life has become soooo stressed... never imagined that the thing i loved the most football wud get soo stressful... m soo bored n stressed abt everything... if not for u, i wud have been a nut case... when i drive or when im at home my head is blank... even i walk like a zombie in office these days... wonder when the rosy days will return... mmmmwwwaaahhhhhh
1 comment:
... awwww poor babu.... we need to refresh ourselves, please lets plan sumthing & not think bout what people will say at home...lets just live for us sumtimes.... i miss all this fun too... so badly miss the theatres where we used to hang out n be far from everyone without being disturbed for 3 whole hours followed by lovely dinner AMAZING DAYS.... miss all the entertainment n life... here it is so stressful drlng but im glad how we deal with the situation... if im mad u calm me down n if ur i try to (sumtimes doesnt work)... i like the effort u have taken to try to keep urself cool... good job luv mmmwwaahhhh.... rosy days should be soon back once we both get together... dont b blank as there are so many depending on u... cheer up babu... cum home with the trophy...:)
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