Tuesday, March 23, 2010

...good communication...

...guess i always shy away from saying these words... but these are my thoughts everytime i see ur pretty face... u smiling at me... looking at me wit a longing look... after marriage im in love with u all over again... mwwwaaahhhh....

1 comment:

Shana said...

... how sweet drlng... u do shy away when i say these words at night & all i hear from u is hmm hmm go to sleep :) & i understand that u Love me too... i know u love me a lot & even though u dont say it often i can always feel it....always feel the love when ur around me... when i wake up next to u it feels like a dream & i pinch myself saying tht the dream hs come true, rosh is my husband & hes with me... cheers to us honey...mmwwaaahhh & I Love U