...waiting for holidays to relax... to spend time with my sweetypie... wanna go on a long drive with u... just u n me... talking and talking... laughing and laughing... mmmmwwwaaaaaaaahhhh...
...nothing feels better than a sense of warmth tat comes from hugging u... wat better than cuddling each other n watching a movie on a friday evening... mmmmwwwaaaaaaaahhhh....
...baby can it get better than this... this pic looks exactly how we wud look on a saturday morning... with my overgrown beard, staying late in bed with my love... all cuddled up in one blanket... lazy on the bed with no hazzles (hassels) or tension... smelling ur beautiful hair n body... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
...awwww... when will we get our own cute bed and room... some lil things to do together... decor a beautiful house and have a cozy environment... lotsa pics of u n me... plants, birds, fish... lotsa amazing things to do... one relief thinking of the beautiful future together against a stressful present... mmmmwwaaaahhhh...
...ur my favourite appetizer, soup, main course, salad, sweet, dessert.... the list goes on.... somehow i never have enuf of u.. wanna see u in the morn, in the noon, at nite... ur my habit and im so used to u.... mmmmwwaaaahhhh.....
...Happy Valentines Day my love... spent a good day with u yest and summed it up with an amazing romantic evening... many more such valentines to spend together... mmmmmwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
...the peck on friday morns keeps me awake, gives me confidence to play better, keeps me thinking of u when im away and gives me that much needed luck to play well... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh...
...guess now more than u im desperate to see the ring on my finger... the wait is frustrating and injust... feel so livid at times over the whole situation... thanx again for all the compromise, understanding and trouble... mmmmwaaahhhh....
...our love story is certainly gonna set benchmarks and be an inspiration for many to come... lotsa stories to tell friends, relatives and our kids... for us its quite an achievement... mmwwwaaahhhh....
...really cherish those college days... when it was literally love at first sight for me... tiny gurl in a tiny skirt and long hair... fasaya... lolzz... matheran will always remain a memory to remember... the cute lil things that first timers do... who wud ask for dance first... our first camp fire... both wanting to dance with each other and eventually after all the hurdles doin it... Yes!!! our first dance... my friend, my love, my partner, my life.... mmmmwwwaaahhhhh....
...who needs anyone else to celebrate when the person who means the most to u is there alongside... im more than happy with just u around me and need no one else... cheers... mmmmwwwaaahhhh....
...thanx baby that u understand when my mood is not at its best and u know when im low and not in an upbeat mood... thanx for understanding me and staying by me... some times the never ending todo list takes a toll and all a person needs is silence and time by himself alone... love u bacha... mmmwwaaaahhhhh....
...many a times reaching out gets difficult and impossible... thankfully in our case, whatever the hurdle, watever the problems, we have managed to reach out to each other with our love... mmmmwwaaahhhh....
the sight of u or just ur touch gives me a renewed energy... a feeling to do more with life... a feeling to do more for ur love... its an amazing feeling when the most tiring day can turn into positive energy with a simple smile from the one u desire to see it so dearly.... mmmmmwwwaaahhhhh....