...this happens all the time with me....feel the heat all over...;) the prettiest, cutest , hottest and most beautiful women i know... the love of my life.... mmmmwwwaaahhhh...
...baby i cudnt believe my eyes when i seen today's love is... see the date on it... its today's love is and i didnt have to hunt in archives too... wat can i say more... simply amazing... i hope i quit snoring or hope my snores sound like lullabys to u...;)... sorry bacha... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh...
...thanks babu for working so hard... thats the reason i cudnt sleep the entire nite seeing u slog it out n then me getting irritated on u... so cuddled u all nite n kept patting u... mmmmwwwaaahhh my baby....
...lotsa dreams that we have seen together that we need to fullfil... lotsa dreams and aspirations that we have in our minds individually for each other have to be fulfilled... so much of life to look forward to... the excitement never ends... mmmwwwaaaahhh....
...a summary of the last few days... every moment is like a sweet melody... ever soothing experience... of being together n deeply in love... mmmmwwwaaahhhhh....
...i thought this was really funny... esp when day before i went checking for sounds outside the door....lolzz.... u can be sure ill be there to protect n care for u whenever u need me or not... mmmmwwwaaaahhh...
...isnt it amazing that even with so many passing years the passion for each other just seems to grow... its an amazing and comforting feeling to know that things can get better n better against all odds n predictions.... mwwwwwaaahhhh....
awwww.... i thought this was simply too cute and beautiful so had to send it... this is how i perceive u to be... forgiving, patient n understand... something to set the balance in our life with me at the other end ;)... something that u already are... mmmmwwaaaaahhhh....
doesnt this look like a familiar site cheekubum.... u n me in all the poss restaurants... so much to catch up... so many places to see... to sit eye to eye... mmmwwwaaaahhhh....
...further to yest... have dreams of just me and u on an adventure trip... enjoying nature and its beauty...campfire, open sky, tent et all.... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
waiting for such a romantic encounter... me n u on a long holiday... on a beautiful clear beach... all alone... me pampering u to glory... watta life... mmmmwwwaaahhh....
at times i could get rough... feel irritated n cause ppl around me hurt... just know that u understand me and be by my side n keep me under check... mmmmwwwaaahhhh....