...im one of the lucky few whose baby literally pampers him... hope this continues for ever... where in turn ill pamper u like those 45 days trailer i gave u.. yes... i will pamper my bittu... mmmmwwaaaaahhhh....
...wow this is amazing... me fishing and u cooking my catch... lovely... this love is brought a smile on my face... u wud look just like her cleaning the fish with a heart apron... lolllll... mmmmwwwwaaahhhh....
fat or thin...short or tall...black or white... i wudnt wanna change anything abt u... ur my most beautiful women in the entire world... love u the way u are... but always b the same huh :P.... lolllzzz.... mmmmwwwaaahhhh....
im pretty sure most of the time my babu keeps staring at the mobile and wondering similar things when she doesnt get my calls... thanks for all the understanding lovey... mmmwwwaaahhhh....
come on... make a smiley face... forget the money lost... money lost is no problem... but prestige lost is everything lost... so wear a smiley tee like ur bee there tee n keep smiling.... mmmmwwwaaahhhh...
wudnt it be fun swinging together... so relaxed n simple... as against the lightning ride we did where i dirtied my pants... u r daredevil n im puskya... ;) mmmmwwwaaahhhhh.....
desperately waiting for the vacation... will be a welcome break... me n u having fun together... no work no worries... in our home country... mmmmwwwaahhhh....
i think u need to really push me to a doc or get me admitted soon... need to get myself checked... for cold, sugar, pressure n all... sometimes stress, anger, responsibility really tears me down... glad u are around... mmmwwwaaahhhh....
awwwww.... how i wish to hit the road alone with u... a long drive.... and just listen listen listen to ur sweet voice while u speak speak speak all u have to say... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....