the most beautiful and ever charming lady ive ever met in my entire life.... so happy to have u with me for life... my greatest victory, my biggest pride... how will i manage without u... :( will miss u bacha... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
ohhh... how much i wish for this... to wake up each morning next to u... sleep with u cuddled round me... when that day comes ill really sleep in peace and not have sleepless nights of worries n thoughts of u being all alone.... mmmmwwaaaahhh....
this one is amazing... could anything be better than this... we setting up our own house as we like... and me helping out in setting up... and u providing me with the petrol to go on... :).... mmmmmwwwwaaaahhhhh....
when im low n stressed all i wish is to get a nice kiss for u to keep me goin... even seeing u around makes me feel energetic n strong... mmmmwwwaaahhh....
many a times one has to hide his true feelings... depending on situations n ppl around... but then thats life... it has its pros n cons... but watever the case, one thing that cant change is feelings... they will always be the same... hidden or shown.. mmmwwwaaaahhhh....
sorry bittu... of late its been a lot of 'me time' n not 'us time'... guess its gonna be like this the whole month.... but ill surely make up to u... spend lotsa time with u... i hope my bacha understands... btw, guys loved the printing n thanked u... i told louis that u wanted a jersey too with ur name printed... he said i shud have done that... anyways, we planned to do it for our ladies the next time... cool na... mmmwwwaaaaahhhhh....
...hows is this for the perfect love is the perfect day... thanx a lot munna for supporting my soccer.... was feeling so proud... fantastic job..... mmmmmmwwwwaaaaahhhhh....