...i may be low... i may be tired... but i always have a heart for u... n my heart as u know is very big and its all urs... so dont bother... give me time n space... thats all i need.... mmmmwwwwaaaaaahhhhh....
kissing u and loving u is the most amazing feeling... though id love sitting on the counch, cuddling u in the cold and watching a nice romantic movie alone with u... mmmmwwwwaaahhhh....
...this will be so amazing... im really waiting when u will start driving.... n il sit next to u... trouble, tease, kiss n fondle u... :P.... mmmmwwwaaaahhhhh....
what more can one ask for... we have this bubbly relation goin on... though we still dont have the icing on the cake of a commitment but yet the togetherness is amazing.... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
awwww... this is how i feel when ive dropped u home at nite and i see u on the window... wonder how it wud be after we get married... wil we go to work or sit hugging each other the whole day... mmwwwaaaahhhh....
...soo sweet... i remember those days when pockets were usually close to empty and every rupee spent was well budgetted... but i still cherish those moments when things were calculated but the experience of enjoying that meal or movie was exceptional... the long walks from linking road to hill road in heels to save on rickshaw fare inorder to get one more dish at Stomach... we have seen so many times together... at least our old age is secured with soooo many things to talk abt... mmmmmwwwwaaaahhhh....
all i need and desire is only u... its the thought of having u that brings life and light into my life... always be there n be strong for me... mwwwaaaahhhh...
woww... this reminds me of good ol bombay days... the waiting for each other... the site of seeing u... the smile on our faces... the hiding... the escaping... so glad that each phase of life... each experience that one gets, ive had u to share it with... miss those days... but i also know that each phase in life is just a phase and good or bad, it passes away... mmmwwwaaaaahhhh....
shanu, nothing looks outta fashion when ur around me... ur my fashion diva... besides, we both reaching a certain age as individuals, but im sure the 2 of us together are latest fashion..... mmmwwwwaaaahhhhh....
...thats love na munna... found in the most unusually places and can be sighted by only those who believe in it... but no one cud deny, that its the most terrific feeling to be in love with someone who means so much to u.... mwwwwaaaaahhhhhh....