ooopppss.... never thought of that... wonder how its gonna be after marriage... will i ever get the remote... guess we will certainly have 2 TVs... the big 42 inch one for u and a 32 inch one for me... sporttzzzzz.... mwwwwaaaahhhhh...
ur stamp of approval always on me... no one dares coming close... besides, now i have given a literal luv 'bite' on ur cheek... so obvious on the plum fair cheek of my bittu... mmmmwwwwaaaahhhhh....
awwwww.... sooo true... even after all these years, stealing that smooch is sooo special... and wat better than our fav place these days... the kitchen... this love is is stolen from us... mmmwwwwaaahhhhhhhhhhh....
how much more true can it be... the perfect love is... be it good times or hard times... love will keep us alive... its easier to survive good times... but i feel its the tough times that really get u even more closer.... thanx for being there for me... mwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
the warmth and the comfort that i get from u is overwhelming... and its difficult for me to live without it... give me that warmth always... mwwwaaahhhhhhhhhh.....
...we are certainly not up for the grabs... whatever the situation, whatever the time... ill never let go of ur hand... so if we are ever moved it has to be as a couple :) mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.....
...all one needs is love... just love to survive... survive all the negatives, stress, opposition, unhappiness etc... thats wat life is all abt... and thats wat life is,surviving all odds... mwwwwaaaahhhhhhhhh.....
...shanu, i know its difficult times, when each step feels burdensome at times... but the very thought of u being beside me and the positive that comes from it makes me go that extra mile... im sure its the same for u too... mwwwwwwwwwwwahhhhh....
hmmmm.... me feeelingggg shy now... touchy feely... remember those movie theatre days... missing it all sooooo much now.... feels like a big part of us is missing... mwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....
love does get emotional at times... not all can handle the complexities that come with it... they say its healthy for a relationship to have all emotions... but im glad that there are more days of smiles than cry... mwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
shanu,u know... ive always been short of words when expressing my feelings for u... but im sure uve been observant of my actions which im sure have potrayed my endless loving feelings... mwaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
...awwww... do i annoy u babu sometimes... ok ok i know... i do... at times i do get annoyed on somethings... but i love coz of all these things too... mwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh....
...hey...hope the first impression of me didnt put u off... i guess i had a pimple farm then... hope i didnt manage to scare u...lolll... mwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
with all the ups and downs... pains and pleasures... im still so glad that our relationship is rock solid... and guess thats wat keeps me goin in difficult times... when angry and wanting to burst out, ur face makes me calm.... love u.... mwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh....
hey shanu.... wasnt the amusement park trip a fulfilling experience... i really enjoyed it... especially all those heart stopping rides with u... just gets amazing when ur with me... mwaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
guess this is gonna bring a broad smile to ur face.. im sure this is the first thing that comes to ur mind when u hear something ringing.... mwwwwwwwwaaaaahhhhh.....
...hey cookie... when do we play this exciting game of tennis together... it wud be fun and the score will always read as 'luv all'... mwwwaaaaahhhhh.....