...this happens all the time with me....feel the heat all over...;) the prettiest, cutest , hottest and most beautiful women i know... the love of my life.... mmmmwwwaaahhhh...
...baby i cudnt believe my eyes when i seen today's love is... see the date on it... its today's love is and i didnt have to hunt in archives too... wat can i say more... simply amazing... i hope i quit snoring or hope my snores sound like lullabys to u...;)... sorry bacha... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh...
...thanks babu for working so hard... thats the reason i cudnt sleep the entire nite seeing u slog it out n then me getting irritated on u... so cuddled u all nite n kept patting u... mmmmwwwaaahhh my baby....
...lotsa dreams that we have seen together that we need to fullfil... lotsa dreams and aspirations that we have in our minds individually for each other have to be fulfilled... so much of life to look forward to... the excitement never ends... mmmwwwaaaahhh....
...a summary of the last few days... every moment is like a sweet melody... ever soothing experience... of being together n deeply in love... mmmmwwwaaahhhhh....
...i thought this was really funny... esp when day before i went checking for sounds outside the door....lolzz.... u can be sure ill be there to protect n care for u whenever u need me or not... mmmmwwwaaaahhh...
...isnt it amazing that even with so many passing years the passion for each other just seems to grow... its an amazing and comforting feeling to know that things can get better n better against all odds n predictions.... mwwwwwaaahhhh....
awwww.... i thought this was simply too cute and beautiful so had to send it... this is how i perceive u to be... forgiving, patient n understand... something to set the balance in our life with me at the other end ;)... something that u already are... mmmmwwaaaaahhhh....
doesnt this look like a familiar site cheekubum.... u n me in all the poss restaurants... so much to catch up... so many places to see... to sit eye to eye... mmmwwwaaaahhhh....
...further to yest... have dreams of just me and u on an adventure trip... enjoying nature and its beauty...campfire, open sky, tent et all.... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
waiting for such a romantic encounter... me n u on a long holiday... on a beautiful clear beach... all alone... me pampering u to glory... watta life... mmmmwwwaaahhh....
at times i could get rough... feel irritated n cause ppl around me hurt... just know that u understand me and be by my side n keep me under check... mmmmwwwaaahhhh....
...i guess its abt time to move the relationship to the next level... with our hearts on our sleeves n love as the most important bagpack to carry... mmmwwwaaahhh....
gosh... this is such a common site... i hope my babu will understand my love for the sport like she is doin n encouraging now... gonna be many more of such days... would love it if we both enjoy on the couch on our 42" LCD and cheering for the same team... having some beer n eating ur choisest delicacies... majja ni life... mmmmmwwaaaahhh....
life might not be at its best at the moment... but we are doing a great job... balancing everything perfectly... especially when i have to do the balancing act with u.... mmmwwaaaahhhh....
wat else can one ask for... long walk together... hand in hand... with nothing but just love on our mind... want no more... bottom line!!! mmmmwwwaaahhhh.....
our visit this time to vasai will be fun... we will visit all the old places we did together... michels, chopsticks, pizzeria, sterling, regal etc etc.... just u n me... same person, same time, same place... wow... the thought is soooo amazing.... mmmmwwwaaaahhh....
im greedy for all the paaachaaas tola.... i want it all... and a bungalow now... jokes apart... u always glitter to me... ur eyes, smile n giggle r gliterring enuf for me... mmmmwwwaaahhhh...
...this will be amazing fun... we will do it when we go to singapore or malaysia... me driving the speed boat n u skiing... would be fun seeing u giggle all along.... mmmwwaaaahhhh....
its an amazing feeling to come to pick u from the airport... i still remember the first time i came to pick u up, the first trip of my pajero to the airport... i was soooo waiting to see u come from the arrivals... esp after the torrid time u had at bbay airport... this time we both together... travelling will be fun... mmmmwwwaaahhhh....
wow... that was be amazing... im always excited to see how u set up our house... with ur choice of things... should be interesting.... mmmmmmwwwaaaaahhhh....
...im one of the lucky few whose baby literally pampers him... hope this continues for ever... where in turn ill pamper u like those 45 days trailer i gave u.. yes... i will pamper my bittu... mmmmwwaaaaahhhh....
...wow this is amazing... me fishing and u cooking my catch... lovely... this love is brought a smile on my face... u wud look just like her cleaning the fish with a heart apron... lolllll... mmmmwwwwaaahhhh....
fat or thin...short or tall...black or white... i wudnt wanna change anything abt u... ur my most beautiful women in the entire world... love u the way u are... but always b the same huh :P.... lolllzzz.... mmmmwwwaaahhhh....
im pretty sure most of the time my babu keeps staring at the mobile and wondering similar things when she doesnt get my calls... thanks for all the understanding lovey... mmmwwwaaahhhh....
come on... make a smiley face... forget the money lost... money lost is no problem... but prestige lost is everything lost... so wear a smiley tee like ur bee there tee n keep smiling.... mmmmwwwaaahhhh...
wudnt it be fun swinging together... so relaxed n simple... as against the lightning ride we did where i dirtied my pants... u r daredevil n im puskya... ;) mmmmwwwaaahhhhh.....
desperately waiting for the vacation... will be a welcome break... me n u having fun together... no work no worries... in our home country... mmmmwwwaahhhh....
i think u need to really push me to a doc or get me admitted soon... need to get myself checked... for cold, sugar, pressure n all... sometimes stress, anger, responsibility really tears me down... glad u are around... mmmwwwaaahhhh....
awwwww.... how i wish to hit the road alone with u... a long drive.... and just listen listen listen to ur sweet voice while u speak speak speak all u have to say... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
the most beautiful and ever charming lady ive ever met in my entire life.... so happy to have u with me for life... my greatest victory, my biggest pride... how will i manage without u... :( will miss u bacha... mmmmwwwaaaahhhh....
ohhh... how much i wish for this... to wake up each morning next to u... sleep with u cuddled round me... when that day comes ill really sleep in peace and not have sleepless nights of worries n thoughts of u being all alone.... mmmmwwaaaahhh....
this one is amazing... could anything be better than this... we setting up our own house as we like... and me helping out in setting up... and u providing me with the petrol to go on... :).... mmmmmwwwwaaaahhhhh....
when im low n stressed all i wish is to get a nice kiss for u to keep me goin... even seeing u around makes me feel energetic n strong... mmmmwwwaaahhh....
many a times one has to hide his true feelings... depending on situations n ppl around... but then thats life... it has its pros n cons... but watever the case, one thing that cant change is feelings... they will always be the same... hidden or shown.. mmmwwwaaaahhhh....